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Attention-Grabbing Exhibition Signage

Attention-Grabbing Exhibition Stand SignageTo Attract Your Ideal Customer Back to Blog As trade shows and exhibitions make a return in 2021, thinking about signage for your bespoke exhibition stand is essential. Competition to attract ideal clients at an exhibition is intense, so it’s important to have your branding on point. A display is your shop … Read more

How to Write an Exhibition Stand Brief

How to Write an Exhibition Stand Brief Back to Blog Introduction Start with a brief introduction to your company and the purpose of the exhibition. Provide some background information about your company, industry, and any previous exhibitions you’ve participated in. Clearly outline the main objectives you want to achieve with the exhibition stand. These could … Read more

C19: Why Early Planning is Vital

C19: Why Early Planning is Vital Back to Blog The damage that C19 has had on the exhibitions industry is untold and, while there is now light at the end of the tunnel, we are not going straight back to normal. Over the next 12 months the recovery will take place, but it is important … Read more

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